Why Content is so Important?

Author: ADVSEO Editorial Team | Today

Subsequent to the most recent changes in search engine algorithms and indexing, content marketing is perhaps the most important part of your company’s online marketing strategy. Below we will go through some of the steps in planning an effective content marketing strategy that will last your business in the long term.

One – How to hire / outsource content writers
It is usually most effective for businesses to outsource the actual creation of content for your website. You should vet your content writers on their ability to balance optimization with the human element of entertainment and fluidity.

Contrary to popular belief, there is a quantitative way to measure this in your content marketing plan. Analyzing your search engine optimization metrics alongside their human counterparts will give you an effective metric for realizing the balance between writing for search engine algorithms in writing for human visitors. For instance, a high bounce rate usually corresponds to initial disinterest in headings, subheadings and hook lines. A low customer conversion rate usually means that the call to action is not prominently displayed or active enough. 

Two – Creation of your unique content calendar
Another way to vet your content writers is through their suggestions to you of where to place your content online. You should keep the latest business technology, a content calendar, based on your research of competitors and case studies. If this matches with the suggestions of your content writers, then you have likely hit upon a good match.

Make sure that your content calendar includes places that can be effectively used for inbound, one way links. This means that high ranking websites should be included at all turns. If you do not have any personal connections with influential webmasters, starting a blog on a highly ranked shared format is a great way to get started. 

Three – How to effectively collaborate with your writers
Effective collaboration with your writers means sharing analytics with them. They should have the same understanding of the balance between optimization and human visitors that you do.

You should be constantly monitoring the performance of your content writers as they create content for your website. They should be constantly monitoring their own performance through your search engine ranking and be able to tweak their writing style on-the-fly. Basically, they should be presenting you with keyword/link/organizational solutions rather than the other way around. 

Four – How web content should be different from print / off line content
The main way in which web content differs from other types of business technology is the quantifiable identification of key words and related words. It is very easy to determine what words and phrases should be included in your online content.

Again, the balance between optimization and human visibility is essential. Your content writer should be able to suggest to you related phrases and keywords that coincide with your own vision of a keyword strategy. 

Five – The difference between keywords and content
A good keyword strategy does not affect the content make, at least on its own. The proper phrasing and inclusion of these key words and phrases is what sets a good content writer apart from a great one.

This discipline will determine if your websites show up on the first page in a consistent manner on the major search engines or if your participation is more spotty. 

Six – How to train properly in search engine optimization
Although it should not be your job to learn all of the nuances of search engine optimization, you should have a notion of the overarching trends that are always going to guide the modifications in your search engine optimization program and in your content marketing specifically. You must learn the lexicon in order to be able to effectively communicate with your content writers as well. 

Seven – Sharing keyword ranking and traffic reports
As stated above, you should always share your keyword ranking and traffic reports with your content writers. They should be able to have a detailed discussion with you about the results of using certain keywords and phrases and how they are including them in the web content.

Above all, they should have suggestions as to why certain phrases or keywords have not worked with in the structure of your web content. They should also be able to suggest other avenues in the form of related phrases.

Although content marketing is becoming more and more nuanced with every major search engine update, effective outsourcing and synergy with a reputable professional team can keep your website up to date. All in all, if your company simply keeps pace with current changes, you will always have your audience ready to tell you what aspects of the above content marketing tips should be focused upon.